Please log bugs and feature requests at 越墙看国外网加速软件.
Python/MOOC /翻Wall和互联网编程的那些事 - bitpeach - 博客园:2021-11-9 · Python MOOC 翻Wall和互联网编程的那些事 声明: 1) 本报告由博客园 bitpeach 撰写,版权所有,免费转载,请注明出处,并请勿作商业用途。 2) 若本文档内有侵权文字或图片等内容,请联系作者 bitpeach 删除相应部分。 3) 本文档内容涉及主题在引言中提及。 ...
Questions, comments and everything else should go to support@peeringdb.com.
We have changed the way in which PeeringDB will be announcing future enhancements, changes, maintenance windows, and other information. If you would like to be notified of certain events, or participate in certain discussions, please subscribe to one of the following email lists:
PeeringDB Announce
All PeeringDB administrative announcement information, such as upgrades, maintenances, outages, etc. -
Discussion list for PeeringDB governance issues. This is a community-based effort, the community’s input will help guide the future of the PeeringDB as it has always done. -
PeeringDB Technical
Discussion about PeeringDB atechnical topics. -
PeeringDB Translate
Discussions about PeeringDB translations. -
PeeringDB User-Discuss
All other topics.
Our goal is to give you all the information you want, and no more. Please subscribe to any of these lists you feel are appropriate, or none. You will still be able to use the database even if you are not subscribed to any lists.
PeeringDB is available at http://www.peeringdb.com/ with self-describing API docs at http://www.peeringdb.com/apidocs/. More thorough docs are at API Specs, but in a nutshell, just prepend the URL with 越墙看国外网加速软件
to get that object in JSON.
For example:
List all via API by taking the id
E变伋理:对于伋业来说,确实是一款得心用手的好软件 使用e变IP伋理软件一年多,无论从产品设计上、IP连接性稳定性、软件功能上都有很好的,操作方便,支持定时切换、快捷键切换等功能,能很好的提高工作效率。
Local database replication is accomplished with this command line tool, please see the documentation for more information.
The release notes list the GitHub issues and a summary of what has changed in PeeringDB software releases.
- [es] Guía corta para uso de peeringdb.com - Fabián Mejía
- [pt-BR] Guia de cadastro de informações de ASNs no PeeringDB - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes / Equipe de Engenharia
- [pt-BR] 谷歌应用APP下载-国外软件应用_手机乐园:2021-7-28 · 手机乐园提供国外软件应用下载,Google应用:让您伍最便捷、轻松的方式在网络上和设备中快速查找到所需内容。快速在网络上伍及手机或平板电脑中进行搜索。...,国外软件应用免费下载地址... - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes / Equipe de Engenharia
- PeeringDB Tutorial, learning the GUI and the API at APRICOT 2023, Melbourne, AU - February 20, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- How is PeeringDB organised? and The PeeringDB API at DENOG11, Hamburg, DE - November 10, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at AfPIF-10, Balaclava, MV - August 20, 2023 - Arnold Nipper (video starts at 14:00)
- Part 1: Intro, Part 2: Main, Part 3: API at APRICOT 2023, Daejeon, KR - February 27, 2018 - Arnold Nipper (video)
- PeeringDB Data Ownership Task Force at PeeringDB Annual Meeting 2023 - April 17, 2023 - Filiz Yilmaz
- PeeringDB at ABRINT na Estrada Campo Grande, Campo Grande, BR - March 10, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Manila, PH - February 26, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at APRICOT 2023, Melbourne, AU - February 19, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update (English)/Новости от PeeringDB (Pусский) at MSK-IX Peering Forum 2023, Moscow, RU - December 5, 2023 - Filiz Yilmaz
- PeeringDB - Como Está a Adoção no Brasil at MUM in Brazil, Foz do Iguaçu, BR - November 29, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at XII Encuentro Nacional de Técnicos, Salta, AR - November 28, 2023 - Hernan Moguilevsky
- PeeringDB Update: A Look Into PeeringDB's Data for AT/CH/DE/LU and the Latest Changes at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Hamburg, DE - November 12, 2023 - Stefan Funke
- PeeringDB Update at Peering Asia 3.0, Kuala Lumpur, MY - November 7, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Vienna, AT - November 5, 2023 - Stefan Funke
- Introduction to PeeringDB at JBIX Peering Forum 2023, Kuala Lumpur, MY - November 5, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at ngNOG 2023, Lagos, NG - October 30, 2023 - Ben Ryall
- 解决外网下载速度过慢问题_风之云的博客-CSDN博客:2021-8-10 · 今天在研究《Algorithm4》及学习配套课程,作为一本值得顶礼膜拜的书,我是下了很大的决心来啃下这本书的内容,熟知在第一步Java环境配置上就遇见了第一只拦路虎,在资料中,给出了一个软件lift-java-installer.exe作为编译环境,结果因为原下载 ... at IX Fórum Regional, Florianópolis, BR - October 25, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- OAuth for IXP Operators at the 35th Euro-IX Forum, Zaandam, NL - October 21, 2023 - Barry O'Donovan
- The PeeringDB API at the 35th Euro-IX Forum, Zaandam, NL - October 21, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at RONOG 6, Bucharest, RO - October 1, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Tallinn, EE - September 18, 2023 - Filiz Yilmaz
- Cadastro para participantes do IX.br at IX Fórum Regional, Natal, BR - September 6, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- Introduction to PeeringDB at SAFNOG-5, Johannesburg, ZA - August 28, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at AfPIF-10, Balaclava, MV - August 22, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introducción a PeeringDB at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Mexico City, MX - August 14, 2023 - Diego Dominguez
- Introduction to PeeringDB at ATNOG 2023/1, Salzburg, AT - July 16, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at INNOG 2, New Delhi, IN - July 1, 2023 - Arnold Nipper (video)
- Cadastro para participantes do IX.br at IX Fórum Regional, São Paulo, BR - June 10, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at ENOG 16, Tbilisi, GE - June 3, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at NONOG-3, Oslo, NO - May 27, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at SINOG 6.0, Ljubljana, SI - May 14, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at BKNIX Peering Forum and ThaiNOG Day 2023, Bangkok, TH - May 7, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- Use in Latin America at Peering Forum LAC, Punta Cana, DR - May 6, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes and Carlos Martinez Cagnazzo
- Cadastro para participantes do IX.br at IX Fórum Regional, Campo Grande, BR - April 26, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at Telecom Day, St. Petersburg, RU - April 19, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at SEE 8, Sarajevo, BH - April 17, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at Curso Avançado de IPv6, São Paulo, BR - April 5, 2023 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- PeeringDB Update at BCIX Round Table April 2023, Berlin, DE - April 4, 2023 - Stefan Funke
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Beirut, LB - April 3, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at DKNOG9, Copenhagen, DK - March 15, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Zagreb, CR - March 12, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at PhNOG 2023, Cebu, PH - March 8, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at HKNOG 7.0, Hong Kong, HK - March 1, 2023 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Moscow, RU - November 23, 2018 - Rebecca Stanić
- PeeringDB Update at DENOG10, Darmstadt, DE - November 21, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Bologna, IT - November 9, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB API at the 33rd Euro-IX Forum, Venice, IT - November 6, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Introduction at ngNOG 2018, Lagos, NG - October 31, 2018 - Ben Ryall
- PeeringDB Update at SwiNOG #34, Berne, CH - October 30, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update and Japanese Localization Experience at Peering Asia 2.0, Hong Kong, HK - October 25, 2018 - Arnold Nipper and Masataka Mawatari
- PeeringDB Update at SAFNOG-4/EANOG/tzNOG, Dar es Salaam, TZ - September 25, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Athens, GR - September 18, 2018 - Rebecca Stanić
- Cadastro para participantes do IX.br at IX (PTT) Fórum Regional, Natal, BR - September 14, 2018 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- 【净坛行动】论坛禁止发布任何翻墙软件和违法犯罪程序 ...:2021-2-28 · 国家严打网络违法犯罪越来越严格,上次也因为有人在论坛发布一些不和谐的程序导致论坛域名被HOLD,出现几天无法访问的情况,虽然我伊曾经发过公告说明。但依然有同学我 ... 【净坛行动】论坛禁止发布任何翻墙软件和违法犯罪程序! at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Noumea, NC - September 12, 2018 - Masataka Mawatari
- PeeringDB Update at AfPIF2018, Cape Town, ZA - August 23, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB for IXes at AFIX, Cape Town, ZA - August 20, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB API at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Dhaka, BD - August 10, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Dhaka, BD - August 9, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB: What is it, how to and benefits at New England Peering Forum 2018, Cambridge, MA, US - June 22, 2018 - Patrick W. Gilmore
- PeeringDB Update at SEE 7, Timișoara, R0 - June 18, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at ENOG 15, Moscow, RU - June 5, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Berne, CH - May 24, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update e cadastro de Facilities at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Florianópolis, BR - May 22, 2018 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes (video)
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at RIPE 76 Connect Working Group, Marseille, FR - May 16, 2018 - Arnold Nipper (video)
- PeeringDB Update at African Internet Summit 2018, Dakar, SN - May 8, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at DKNOG8, Copenhagen, DK - March 9, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at CEE Peering Days 2018, Berlin, DE - March 7, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- Introduction to PeeringDB at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Kathmandu, NP - February 26, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at APIX Meeting #17, Kathmandu, NP - February 24, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Introduction at Capacity India & SAARC 2018, New Delhi, IN - February 8, 2018 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Prague, CZ - November 23, 2017 - Bijal Sanghani
- PeeringDB Update at DENOG9, Darmstadt, DE - November 23, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at ALNOF, Tirana, AL - November 14, 2017 - Bijal Sanghani
- PeeringDB Update at Peering Asia 1.0, Kyoto, JP - November 1, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at TOP-IX Meeting, Torino, IT - September 26, 2017 - Bijal Sanghani
- PeeringDB Update at NPD 17, The Hague, NL - September 15, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at SAFNOG-3, Durban, ZA - September 6, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at AfPIF 2017, Abidjan, CI - August 24, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at SANOG 30 Peering Forum, Gurgaon, IN - July 10, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- More benefits from PeeringDB at DE-CIX Technical Meeting, Frankfurt, DE - June 22, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at NANOG 70, Bellevue, WA, US - June 5, 2017 - Aaron Hughes
- PeeringDB Update at BOSNOG Meeting & IX Peering Forum, Cambridge, MA, US - June 2, 2017 - Stephen McManus
- Orientações no preenchimento de participantes do IX.br at GTER 43, Foz do Iguaçu, BR - May 25, 2017 - Julimar Lunguinho Mendes
- PeeringDB Update at ENOG 13.0, Saint Petersburg, RU - May 23, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Update at Global Peering Forum 12.0, New York, NY, US - April 26, 2017 - Aaron Huges
- PeeringDB at GORE/ESNOG Reunion 19, Barcelona, ES - April 6, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB at CEE Peering Days 2017, Ljubljana, SL - March 23, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB 2.0 at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Ho Chi Minh City, VN - February 28, 2017 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB at 19 KIKE Conference, Serock, PL - November 23, 2016 - Robert Jakub
- PeeringDB 2.0 at ITNOG2, Bologna, IT - November 3, 2016 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB Product Committee Charter Survey at EPF 11, Sofia, BG - September 20, 2016 - Eric Loos
- PeeringDB 2.0 at NPD 16, The Hague, NL - September 16, 2016 - Walt Wollny
- PeeringDB 2.0 at AfPIF 2016, Dar es Salaam, TZ - August 30, 2016 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB 2.0 for IXPs at AFIX 2016, Dar es Salaam, TZ - August 29, 2016 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB 2.0 at 越墙看国外网加速软件, Moscow, RU - June 7, 2016 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB 2.0 at RIPE 72, Copenhagen, DK - May 25, 2016 - Greg Hankins
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at CHI-NOG 06, Chicago, IL, US - May 12, 2016 - Matt Griswold
- PeeringDB 2.0 e o Cenário Brasileiro and IX.br Guia de cadastro de informações de ASNs no PeeringDB at GTER 41, Uberlândia, BR - May 12, 2016 - Eduardo Ascenço Reis
- PeeringDB 2.0 for IXPs at 28th Euro-IX Forum, Luxembourg, LU - April 26, 2016 - Greg Hankins / Arnold Nipper
- RIPE SEE 5, Tirana, AL - April 19, 2016 - Arnold Nipper
- PeeringDB 2.0 at UKNOF34, Manchester, UK - April 21, 2016 - Greg Hankins
- 越墙看国外网加速软件 at GPF 11, Los Angeles, CA, US - April 13, 2016 - Aaron Hughes
- NetNod, Stockholm, SE - March 17, 2016 - Job Snijders
- DKNOG6, Copenhagen, DK - March 10, 2016 - Job Snijders
- PeeringDB Update - Aaron Hughes
- APRICOT 2016, Auckland, NZ - February 23, 2016 - Aaron Hughes
- NANOG 66, San Diego, CA, US - February 10, 2016 - Aaron Hughes
- PeeringDB Version 2 Coding Introduction at NANOG 66, San Diego, CA, US - February 8, 2016 - Matt Griswold
- PeeringDB Version 2 Brazil - Matt Griswold / Greg Hankins
- IX (PTT) Fórum 9, São Paulo, BR - December 8, 2015 - Greg Hankins
- PeeringDB Version 2 Introduction - Matt Griswold
- 27th Euro-IX Forum, Berlin, DE - October 26, 2015 - Greg Hankins
- DENOG7, Darmstadt, DE - October 30, 2015 - Arnold Nipper
工信部回应查封翻墙软件:按中国法律管理 - 中国在线:2021-1-28 · 在回应记者“中国屏蔽了新一批的翻墙软件”等问题时,工信部通信发展司司长闻库表示,在中国发展互联网一定要按照中国的法律法规来进行 ...
django-peeringdb is a Django library with a local PeeringDB database sync. It defines the database schema to create a local database copy. The library is easy to integrate into a common framework for local tools and custom interfaces, and also supports multiple database engines (MySQL, Postgres, SQLite).
The Isolario project improve knowledge about the AS-level ecosystem of the Internet by increasing the amount of Autonomous Systems (ASes) from which BGP data is collected. Isolario offers network operators services based on the real-time analysis of inter-domain routing from different points of view in return for full routing tables.
Ixgen is yet another open source, multiplatform peering configuration generator that is based on the PeeringDB API. It can also run its own server for faster results. Ixgen is configured using an INI- or JSON-style format, and produces custom template-driven or fixed JSON-style configurations,
peeringdb-py is a Python client for PeeringDB. It features functions to get objects and display them in JSON or YAML format, and provides a whois-like display of records. The client also has an integrated local database sync, and provides a Python library for integration with custom tools. Some examples are available too.
Pinder is a tool that facilitates peering. If peering is desired between two networks, and you're happy to just configure sessions without a commercial agreement, Pinder acts as the middle man. You can submit the request via either a basic web UI or an API, and the other network is notified or can periodically check their outstanding requests. If both network agree to peer, they are notified to configure a session. Once both networks indicate that sessions are configured and established, the request is then deleted. A brief slide deck explains the functionality in more detail.
Search in PeeringDB is a Chrome extension to search for ASNs, networks, and IXs in PeeringDB using the context menu.
- TraceMON is a tool for visualizing a network topology generated by traceroutes that provides one-click access to IXP and network information. It also displays PeeringDB information and allows the user to update their record. RIPE Atlas users can access it by selecting a traceroute measurement and clicking on the TraceMON tab.
Source code audit
PeeringDB commissioned a full audit of PeeringDB's source code in 2018. Computest (the auditor) prepared a Third Pary Memo, this memo provides a high level overview of the outcome of the source code audit. The report is available here.
Beta development
The PeeringDB beta server is running the latest beta software version, with full access over HTTP and the API. Note that changes made to the beta database are local to the beta server only, and are not reflected on the production servers.
The latest changes to PeeringDB automagically redirects to the list of issues on PeeringDB's GitHub repository that document all of the changes in the current beta version.
- MySQL dumps from July, 29 2010 to March 14, 2016 are archived by CAIDA at http://data.caida.org/datasets/peeringdb-v1/.
How you can help
Check your entries and make sure everything looks correct
Port any scripts to the new API
Send us feedback
Improve these docs
Add or improve a translation
Thanks for your feedback, we look forward to hearing from you!